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A web-based visualization tool for MTracer

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Welcome to MTracer-Viz! (Try it)


•  Overview
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•  Getting Start
•  Functions
•  Contact us


MTracer-Viz is a web-based visualization tool for MTracer, displaying the data collected by MTracer from different aspects. MTracer-Viz supports different queries, such as the operations executed in a certain node and the traces generated during last hour. Some kinds of deeper data analyses are also integrated, such as trace classification and performance problem diagnosis. We implemented MTracer-Viz both for windows and linux. A version of MTracer-Viz is also deployed on web (here) for visualizing TraceBench.


Refer to MTracer and TraceBench, or Try it.

Getting Start

To use MTracer-Viz, some software need be installed firstly. We suggest to employ the recommended version of each software, to void unexpected problems.

Software Recommended Version
1 JDK 1.6.0_10-rc2(6u10)
2 MySQL 5.1.27
3 Graphviz 2.26.3
4 Tomcat 6.0.35

Following is the steps of deploying MTracer-Viz on Windows and Linux:

For Windows
1. Install JDK and add "JAVA_HOME" to environment variables.
2. Install MySQL and set the parameters: user="root", password="root", port="3306".
3. Install Graphviz to execute the "dot" command.
4. Install Tomcat and set "TOMCAT_HOME".
5. Copy all the files of MTracer-Viz to a directory, assuming the path is "MTRACER_VIZ_HOME", where "MTRACER_VIZ_HOME" should not contain blank spaces.
6. Copy "%MTRACER_VIZ_HOME%\WEB-INF\lib\flanagan.jar" to "%JAVA_HOME%\jre\lib\ext", for performance problem diagnosis.
7. Configure Tomcat, i.e., set "docBase=%MTRACER_VIZ_HOME%" at about line 144 of "%TOMCAT_HOEM%\conf\server.xml".
8. Start MySQL and Tomcat, and input "http://localhost:8080/" in local browser. You will see MTracer-Viz if success.
9. Click the link "Databases" on the top (or input "http://localhost:8080/database_list.jsp"). There already exists a .sql file from TraceBench. Click the "enable" button to load this file. And then, you will see traces..
For Linux
1. Rename the "$MTRACER_VIZ_HOME$\webapps\database_manager.jsp.linux" to "$MTRACER_VIZ_HOME$\webapps\database_manager.jsp".
2. Follow the step 1-9 as for windows.
Note that:
1. If an UnsupportedClassVersionError occurs in local browser, you need to re-compile the .java files as following:
                 cd $MTRACER_VIZ_HOME$\webapps\WEB-INF\classes\edu\nudt\xtrace
                 javac -classpath $MTRACER_VIZ_HOME$\webapps\WEB-INF\lib\flanagan.jar *.java
2. If the used MySQL version is different with we recommending, the corresponding connector "mysql-connector-java-x.x.x-bin.jar" should be copied to "$MTRACER_VIZ_HOME$\webapps\WEB-INF\lib".
3. Any blank spaces in the path $MTRACER_VIZ_HOME$ may result in failures in drawing trace trees by Graphviz.
4. MySQL files (.sql files) are stored or saved in "$MTRACER_VIZ_HOME$\webapps\database"


Following we introduce some main functions of MTracer-Viz.

1. Database files

**Location**:      Click the link "Databases" on the top of homepage, or input "http://localhost:8080/database_list.jsp".
Description: Manage database files:
                           1) save current database: Dump data from MySQL to a .sql file.
                           2) enable: Load data from the .sql file to MySQL.
                           3) rename: Rename the name of the .sql file.
                           4) delete: Delete the .sql file.

2. Traces

Location:      Homepage, or input "http://localhost:8080/index.jsp".
Description: Display, manage and analyse traces of MySQL:
                           1) trace information: List all trace in MySQL with trace name, contained events/edges, handling time, first/last event arrival time on MTracer server, and trace ID. The link 1.1 selects traces with the same name, and link 1.2/1.3 shows the details of all contained events/edges. (event/edge: refer to MTracer)
                           2) CTG/DRG: Show the trace tree of the corresponding trace in the form of graph/text.
                           3) search zone: Query traces with various conditions.
                           4) classify: Classify traces with the same title, according to the topologies of trace tree. So, the process is : select (traces with the same title via search zone) -> classify.
                           5) diagnose: Diagnose performance problems, based on PCA, among a trace set with the same title and with the same topology. So, the process is: select (traces with the same title) -> classify -> diagnose.
                           6) delete: Delete all the selected traces.

3. Operations

Location:      Click the link "Operations" on the top of homepage, or input "http://localhost:8080/op_index.jsp".
Description: Operations can be understood as functions or the event names.
                           1) operation information: List all the kinds of operations, with the name, amount of appearing in MySQL, max/min/average executing time. Link 1-1 lists the details of all the operations, and link 1-2/1-3 lists the details of all the operations with the max/min executing time.
                           2) Operation Detail: Show the details of all selected operations and the details of the belonged trace.
                           3) DDG: Show the distribution of executing time of an operation kind.
                           4) HDG: Show the distribution of belonged host of an operation kind.
                           5) DTG: Show the trend of executing time of an operation kind.

Contact us

• Jingwen Zhou( PhD Student, National University of Defense Technology, Changsha, China
• Zhenbang chen( Lecturer, National University of Defense Technology, Changsha, China